Region Director: Aaron Grieb
The East Region of NAHRA is one that is highly diverse. While it includes the major metropolises of the east coast and southern Canada, it also includes the wooded ridges of the Appalachians, coastal bays and marshes, the expansive Great Lakes, numerous inland lakes, the Great Woods of the North County, and acres upon acres of fertile farmland. Despite the human population centers, the East Region is home to a wide variety of upland game birds and waterfowl. Popular upland birds include the ringneck pheasant, ruffed grouse, woodcock, and mourning dove. Waterfowl that either breed or migrate through the area include both Canada and snow geese, as well as representatives of almost all diving, seaduck, and puddle duck species found in North America.
The Region has a deep heritage of hunting with retrievers that originated in the subsistence and market-hunter eras. Many of the first retrievers developed in North America were associated with the grand old duck clubs of the East. Retrievers of all breeds are wildly popular in the northeast as both gun and family dogs. This combination of a deep hunting heritage and numerous retriever enthusiasts make the Northeast a hotbed of retriever sports. Plentiful game, along with acres of public and private habitat for wildlife affords retriever owners and trainers in the Northeast Region unlimited opportunity to hone the skills of their dogs. Through it’s Field Tests NAHRA Northeast strives to encourage and measure the success of these dogs and their handlers in achieving a level of proficiency that makes them the very best conservation tool available to today’s hunter.
The East Region of NAHRA is comprised of 7 dedicated and enthusiastic retriever clubs and has members in 6 U.S. States. The Region typically hosts at least 16 NAHRA Licensed Hunting Retriever Field Test per year, scattered over as many weekends. Annually the Region celebrates the achievements of its members and their talented retrievers at a special Field Test for those that have achieved the standard, The East Regional Field Test. This is an event that showcases the best of the best NAHRA dogs.