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East Region Director

Aaron Grieb

My NAHRA life started in 2018 when I searched our area for dog training clubs and stumbled on Northern Piedmont Retriever Club. I'll never forget how welcoming and patient Tom Johnston was the first time I nervously attempted to participate as a handler. I dabbled with a few hunt tests at the lower levels, eliminating myself on the first bird of my first Started test by sending my dog before being released. 

Over the next few years I became more involved with the club, revamping our website and chairing tests before serving on the BOD and as Vice President. Last year I found myself on the Invitational Committee and participated as a handler at my first Invitational event. Thanks to many weekends of coaching and mentorship by Frank Plewa we came to the event prepared and left with the big prize. 

In 2024 Larry Housman and a few others reached out about stepping up as RD for the Eastern Region and I felt I could make a positive influence so volunteered. 

I started attending NAHRA training sessions and events as a way to be better prepared for Duck season. I'm a duck hunter first and foremost, but NAHRA has become a significant part of my life. My daughters Lily and Addie have met so many great dogs and people attending these events. I'm hopeful that I can be an asset to our great program and we are still going strong when they are old enough to be handling their own dogs.


P.O. Box 5159
Fredericksburg, VA 22403
(540) 899-7620

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