Revised 10/17/2022
Upon the completion of the 2022 NAHRA Invitational, the following Policy for the NAHRA Invitational Field Test will be additionally in affect.
- Eligibility and entry – All NAHRA MHR’s and higher are eligible. In addition, all AKC Master Hunter, CKC Master Hunter, HRC/UKC Hunting Retriever Champion or higher are invited and will be eligible to enter if the dog has qualified at two NAHRA Senior Field Tests during the qualification period.
- Any dog that qualified in the previous year's NAHRA Invitational Field Test will automatically be qualified for the next year.
- The owner and handler of all dog's entered will be required to be a current NAHRA member.
- Handlers/Owners of dogs from other venues, without a NAHRA Master Hunting Retriever title, will be required to produce a copy of a title certificate to the Invitational Committee Field Test Secretary prior to participation.
- There are no changes to the current rules regarding Points, Rewards, Certificates and Titles.
- The qualification period will be after close of entries of the previous Invitational until close of entries of the current Invitational.
- Honor – A dog must honor another dog's work in at least one series.
- Blind Retrieves - A total of Three Blind Retrieves will be required. There will be at least one Blind Retrieve on land and at least one Blind Retrieve on water. One of the blind retrieves shall be incorporated within one of the required triple marked retrieves. The other two Blind Retrieves will be run as a double blind retrieve.
- A double blind retrieve shall be defined as two blind retrieves in a back-to-back sequence from the same point of origin. It may be on land, on water, or a combination of both.
- The double blind retrieve should be a separate series and shall not be incorporated into a marking series. It is suggested that the double blind be on the first testing day of the Invitational. The sequence ("selection") of the blind retrieves will not be determined by the judges.
- It is acceptable to have both blind birds planted prior to running the first blind. It is not acceptable to have more than one bird at each blind location.
- Diversion birds shall not be used during the Double Blind Retrieve test.
- The Double Blind Retrieve shall be worth 10 points total. Each blind shall be evaluated separately and considered when determining the score for the Double Blind test.
- Judging and scoring of the blinds will be in accordance with the NAHRA Book of Regulations for Testing of Hunting Retrievers (Chapter II & Chapter IV).
- All other testing and judging will be in accordance with the NAHRA "Book of Regulations for Testing of Hunting Retrievers".
- This Policy will be reviewed upon completion of the 2023 NAHRA Invitational.