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  • Tue, December 31, 2024 1:36 PM | RON STAHL (Administrator)

  • Thu, July 27, 2023 12:00 AM | RON STAHL (Administrator)

    Look at a coin, you see two sides. Cash and his brother Primer reflect that the two couldn’t be more different in personality. Cash is truly a knucklehead being as pesty and getting into as much trouble as possible. Cash is the boy in front of the pool room while Primer is the choir boy, but that is where the distinction stops. Cash has been a stalwart hunter and companion for all his eight years. Despite a few stumbles and bad breaks in testing along the way, he earned his 1000 points this summer in NY and qualified in the 2023 Invitational in Pennsylvania. He is the 9th GMHRCH I have trained or owned and his lineage now boasts 8 GMHRCH titles.

    He is a long, leggy, and powerful dog who makes running and busting cover look effortless. He has served me well in the goose field, flooded timber, and pheasant fields. Cash is an overly affectionate in-your-face dog which often gets him into trouble with us at home but there are worse things he could do! He is just one more NAHRA dog I have been blessed to stand beside.

  • Sat, July 22, 2023 12:30 AM | RON STAHL (Administrator)


    Maxx came into our household in July 2015, through a breeding by Travis Lund and Stony Brook Kennels. Most people will tell you that you only get one great dog in your life, I am very lucky in this sense because I got the opportunity to own, train and hunt two great dogs. The first as many will remember was GMHRC Silverbrooks Smoke on the Water MH and now I have GMHRCH Stony Brook’s Take it to the Limit MH.

    Maxx is not a flashy retriever; his blue collar work ethic has allowed us to reach the top of NAHRA, his trainability and work ethic has allowed us to achieve many things along this journey. We’ve enjoyed hunting wild pheasants in North Dakota, hunting ducks and geese in Mississippi and Texas. We are looking forward to what the future holds for us.


    "PRIMER"Primer had some big shoes to fill following the dogs I have had the pleasure to own and train and the fact that I thought early on he just didn’t have the skills to be a great retriever. Primer often took a backseat to our other dogs but in time, “the quiet man” as I have nicknamed him, blossomed into a great test dog, hunting and home companion. Never flashy, but a consistent and steady performer when called upon. He has filled this hunters’ expectations in the field and the marsh and exceeded them in the test game recently, achieving his 1000 points without a miss! Primer is the 7th dog in his line to earn the GMHRCH title.

    At home, he is always upbeat and entertaining, as are most Labs. But when its time for business, he is on it! I guess I am not as good of a judge of dog flesh as I was off the mark with this guy. Patience on my part and his eventual maturity has produced another fine NAHRA retriever.

  • Wed, October 06, 2021 12:00 AM | RON STAHL (Administrator)

    In June 1983 a visionary group of hunters and retriever lovers met in Mashomac, NY, to start the first nationally organized program aimed at testing the work needed for excellent hunting retrievers. The North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA) was the first of what has become an enormous collection of weekend and national events that test dogs against a standard rather than competing for first place. HRC, AKC, and even SRS joined in the idea. The combined success of all these organizations vastly exceeds what anyone predicted in 1983, and without reducing participation in competitive retriever trials, as some feared at the time. In fact, trials and hunt tests have complimented and supported each other in then unexpected ways. For example, professional trial trainers have helped many hunters learn how to train their dogs to a high level. New hunt test professionals have prospered. Some NAHRA members got bit by the competition bug and have gone even as far as winning an NAFC.

    NAHRA is the smallest of the three main programs now, but has remained true to it’s slogan, “Want better retrievers? Test like you hunt.” This was never better illustrated than at the 2021 NAHRA Invitational Field Test held at Chichaqua Wildlife Area in Iowa 16-19 June 2021. Many Iowa hunters seek both upland birds and waterfowl with their retrievers. As I drove in toward the public duck hunting marsh one day during the Invitational, a big Iowa rooster pheasant flew across the road in front of me. I always consider that a good omen and it was again. The Invitational Judges set up excellent tests to simulate a field goose hunt from a lay-out hide with a poison bird blind (they didn’t use real poison, it’s a simulation ;-).), a pheasant hunt, a trail along a marsh that could have been either duck or pheasant, a tough double water blind, and one of the most fun simulated duck hunts I’ve ever seen.

    The set-up for the final water marks was held on a public hunting area and the birds were placed to challenge the talent and training of the teams who made it to the sixth test. There were lots of decoys, a big hide for the handler and a judge, and a dog stand positioned out front. My dog had never worked from one of those stands, so it was extra fun for us! The handler and judge in the hide started blowing their duck calls, and true to public hunting, that prompted a worker at the long bird to stand up and yell an insult about setting up too close and then launch the first bird. Dake was really creative with different remarks including, “You ***holes act like you’re from Pennsylvania (one judge’s home State).”, “Did you step on a cat or are you blowing duck calls?”, “I need to take a dump, do you have any toilet paper?” …

    That surprise prompted my dog to jump off the stand into a hole where it was harder for her to see the throws. She didn’t break completely and she’s a solid dog used to recovering from unexpected things while hunting. She picked up all the birds clean, though not as crisp as she might have running off a mat. It was great fun and as I leashed her after the test, I yelled back, “You jerks from Fairfax are always causing trouble. I’m calling the Linn County sheriff.” Dake didn’t hear me because someone started a 4 wheeler just then. Anyway, it was only a simulation because a real Iowa public hunt would have degenerated to a shoot-out at that point. Dake received an award at the closing banquet: some toilet paper folded up with “Best Heckler” written on it.

    All the hard work of the organizers and helpers allowed knowledgable judges to set memorable tests. We tested like we hunt! There was also a first. NAHRA opened the Invitational to MHs and HRCHs and one of them completed his NAHRA Master Hunting Retriever title at the Invitational. A nice dog deserving an Invitational ribbon and MHR.

    The six challenging tests worthy of a well trained hunting retriever and a little extra fun would have made NAHRA’s founders proud. What they started continues making better hunting retrievers.

    Keith Stroyan

  • Thu, January 02, 2020 12:00 AM | RON STAHL (Administrator)

    Touched By The Sun’s Summer Breeze, born 9/30/2014.

    “Summer’s” name says it all. She is a beautiful yellow bitch overflowing with kindness, intelligence, talent, drive and an overwhelming desire to please. Like a summer’s breeze, she brings warmth, happiness and the inspiration to rise to the challenges of life’s many horizons.

    With all of her talents and love for the hunt, Summer inspired me to rise to the challenge of partnering with her to achieve her title of Grand Master Hunter Retriever Champion. This “Raider/Molly” daughter also brought me the opportunity of meeting new friends across the continent. Many of those friends have become like family and are a source of continued inspiration to strive to reach for the top of the sky.

    Together, we have conquered many challenges in the quest for Summer to earn her due recognition as one of NAHRA’s finest.

    Summer’s name sake song “Touched By The Sun”, by Carly Simon

    I want to learn from the greats, earn my right to be living with every breath that I take…

    I, ….I want to be one, One who is touched by the sun…..

  • Fri, October 25, 2019 12:00 AM | RON STAHL (Administrator)

    Dog of a Lifetime

    GMHRCH III HRCH UH Cedarwood’s Brewmaster MH
    Call Name: Brewer

    It is often said that you only get one dog in a lifetime that possesses the talent, aptitude and personality traits that align with all your expectations.

    He has always excelled in the field and most of the time participating in the different field tests. Does he have flaws, hell yeah. Most of the time, when handling him in a test, I am the man but there were times when Brewer decided that on this day he’s going to be the man. He always had a way to make it up though. He knew when my nerves were firing too much and recognized what he needed to do to calm me down. He just did it. The days spent hunting in our duck boat were often filled with excitement but his patience always persisted. Efforts in a pheasant field were always a handlers dream. At 11-1/2, he’s ready for retirement. He’s earned it.

    Brewer has given me all I have ever asked of him and for that he likely is that once in a lifetime buddy

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(540) 899-7620

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